Functions & Enums


Keycode related functions are commonly used by every cell template and they uses the unicode value of pressed keyboard key (exacly like KeyboardEvent.keyCode).

isAlphaNumericKey(keyCode: number): boolean

Used in creating custom cell templates. Checks if keycode is alphanumeric.

inNumericKey(keyCode: number): boolean

Used in creating custom cell templates. Checks if keycode is between 0 and 9 (also on numpad).

isNumpadNumericKey(keyCode: number): boolean

Used in creating custom cell templates. Checks if keycode is between 0 and 9 on numpad.

isAllowedOnNumberTypingKey(keyCode: number): boolean

Used in creating custom cell templates. Checks if keycode is allowed while typing numbers (for chars like comma, dash, period).

isNavigationKey(keyCode: number): boolean

Used in creating custom cell templates. Checks if keycode is allowed for navigation (arrows, end, home, backspace, delete keys).

getCharFromKeyCode(keyCode: number, isShiftKey: boolean = false): boolean

Converts key code into char including the Shift key.


getCellProperty = <TCell extends Cell, TKey extends keyof TCell>(
    uncertainCell: Uncertain<TCell>,
    propName: TKey,
    expectedType: 'string' | 'number' | 'boolean' | 'undefined' | 'function' | 'object' | string

Returns cell property value. Used to create a compatible cell.


keyCodes enum contains a set of key codes + POINTER = 1 to mark a pointer event (ReactGrid addon). Used in cell templates.